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Sykepleiernes forståelse og praktisering av brukermedvirkning i kommunens omsorgstjeneste = : Nurses' understanding and practice of user participation in the municipal care service
Year: 2009 Publisher: Copenhagen : Nordiska ministerrådet,

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Praktisering av brukermedvirkning krever at sykepleierne ser på brukerne som likeverdige partnere. Det bryter med det tradisjonelle sykepleier-pasientforholdet og krever andre arbeidsmetoder og holdninger. For å kunne få til en slik endring forutsetter det at sykepleierne har nødvendig kunnskap og forståelse for brukermedvirkning og den bakenforliggende ideologien. Hensikt: Hensikten med studiet var å studere sykepleiernes teoretiske forståelse av begrepet brukermedvirkning og kartlegge hvordan sykepleierne selv opplever at de praktiserte brukermedvirkning i kommunens omsorgstjeneste. Metode: Det har blitt gjennomført en kvalitativ studie med halvstrukturerte intervjuer. Analysemetode var meningsfortettning og meningskategorisering etter beskrivelse av Kvale. Studien har 20 respondentern fra sykehjem og hjemmetjenesten i en stor norsk kommune. Resultater: Sykepleiernes kunnskap om brukermedvirkning var i stor grad situasjonsbestemt. Den ble beskrevet ut fra pasientene de selv arbeider med, situasjonene og konteksten. Det ble knyttet usikkerhet til den teoretiske forståelse av begrepet. Brukermedvirkning blir i hovedsak beskrevet som samråd og må forstås som symbolsk deltagelse der pasientenes deltar og gir uttrykker behov eller gir råd uten at de har reell innflytelse eller myndighet. Langt færre beskrev brukermedvirkning som brukerinnflytelse i form av partnerskap der pasienten gis anledning til å ta avgjørelse og oppleve kontroll.I hvilken grad brukermedvirkning praktiseres avhenger av avveininger i tjenesteutforming, institusjonelle forhold og strukturelle rammer. Sykepleiere opplevde ved håndtering av meningsforskjeller mellom pasient og pårørende en lojalitet overfor pasienten samtidig som de viser forståelse overfor pårørende. Konklusjon: Sykepleiernes forståelse av brukermedvirkning handler i stor grad om symbolsk deltagelse fordi de gis mulighet til å uttrykke ønsker men ikke fatte endelig avgjørelse. Implementering av brukermedvirkning på systemnivå og en k.

Expertise in nursing practice : caring, clinical judgment, and ethics.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780826125446 Year: 2009 Publisher: New York Springer Publishing Company

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Ethics : The heart of healthcare.
ISBN: 9780470018132 0470018135 1282349864 9786612349867 0470773162 Year: 2009 Publisher: Chichester Wiley-Blackwell

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Ethics: The Heart of Health Care - a classic ethics text in medical, health and nursing studies - is recommended around the globe for its straightforward introduction to ethical analysis. In this Third Edition David Seedhouse again demonstrates tangibly and graphically how ethics and health care are inextricably bound together, and creates a firm theoretical basis for practical decision-making. He not only clarifies ethics but, with the aid of the acclaimed Ethical Grid, teaches an essential practical skill which can be productively applied in day-to-day health care. Completely

Bioética para profissionais da saúde
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 8575413902 8575411829 Year: 2009 Publisher: SciELO Books - Editora FIOCRUZ

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Obra que atende a estudantes e a profissionais da saúde não especialistas em bioética, mas interessados em conhecê-la, visto que normalmente se sentem profundamente incomodados com os problemas de sua prática habitual que apresentam interface com questões de natureza ética. Propõe-se a oferecer ao leitor um panorama da bioética em duas perspectivas: a da disciplina acadêmica e a do saber aplicado a diversos problemas relacionados ao cotidiano das práticas em saúde. E mais: busca expor a bioética como saber capaz de construir uma nova ponte entre a prática clínica e a prática em saúde pública. Se, por um lado, é difícil perseguir a originalidade quando se assume a tarefa de resumir um campo para leitores neófitos, por outro, esse é sempre um exercício à espera de ser feito, ainda mais em áreas tão interdisciplinares quanto é a bioética. Nesse sentido, o livro cumpre o prometido: de fácil leitura, convida à reflexão, ampliando as fronteiras do pensamento para quem tem o dever de exercitar a dúvida em situações como as provocadas pelo aborto, por exemplo, em que as crenças religiosas dos profissionais da saúde costumam se sobrepor aos deveres da assistência em saúde. Outro dado interessante: talvez por ser um campo tão aberto e com múltiplas fronteiras disciplinares, os autores deram preferência por não definir a bioética. Apresentaram-na por seu objeto de pesquisa e espaço de atuação, não por meio de conceitos. Para o público a que se dirige, essa pode ser uma estratégia eficaz, pois o aproximará pela experiência e não pela abstração da teoria.

A handbook of bioethics terms
ISBN: 1589015932 1589015940 9781589015944 9781589015937 9781589012592 1589012593 Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press,

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A valuable handbook of bioethics terms for undergraduate and graduate students in health care ethics, physicians, nurses, institutional ethics committees, and anyone interested in the health care field.

Griff nach dem Ich? : Ethische Kriterien für die medizinische Intervention in das menschliche Gehirn
ISBN: 1282073303 9786612073304 3110210592 9783110210590 9783110208177 Year: 2009 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Are we allowed to do what we are able to do? What principles should we use to decide? These questions have accompanied medical treatment from the beginning. Yet they are particularly salient when dealing with an organ so central to our understanding of the self as the human brain. Constant technological development has expanded medicine's scope of possible interventions and made formerly unthinkable situations probable, and pressure to make decisions in these cases makes ethical reflection necessary. This book takes into account both anthropological models and the results of modern neuroscience in order to develop criteria useful for practitioners in ethically difficult cases. Dürfen wir, was wir können? Woran sollen wir uns orientieren? Diese Fragen begleiten medizinisches Handeln seit jeher. In besonderer Weise stellen sie sich bei Eingriffen in das Organ, das für die Identität unserer Person eine so zentrale Rolle spielt, in das Gehirn. Durch die sich ständig erweiternden Handlungsmöglichkeiten der modernen Medizin rücken Szenarien in greifbare Nähe, die weit über das bekannte Maß hinausgehen. Der mit ihnen verbundene Entscheidungsdruck macht eine ethische Reflexion notwendig, die unter Bezug auf anthropologische Modelle einerseits und die Ergebnisse der modernen Neurowissenschaften andererseits Kriterien entwickelt, an denen sich der Handelnde in der Praxis orientieren kann.

Naturalized bioethics : toward responsible knowing and practice
ISBN: 9780521719407 9780521895248 9781139167499 0521719402 0521895243 Year: 2009 Publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge university press,

Resolving ethical dilemmas : a guide for clinicians.
ISBN: 9780781793797 0781793793 Year: 2009 Publisher: Philadelphia Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

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"Every day clinicians encounter ethical dilemmas that have a direct impact on patient care. This timely Fourth Edition will give you expert guidance in approaching a wide range of ethical dilemmas and developing an action plan even when competing points of view have equal merit. Most chapters include real-life sample cases that the author walks through, discussing the salient issues and how to approach them." "This useful resource is a must-read for medical students and practicing professionals at every level of experience!"--BOOK JACKET.

A handbook of bioethics terms.
ISBN: 9781589012592 Year: 2009 Publisher: Washington Georgetown university press

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The term bioethics was first used in the early 1970s by biologists who were concerned about ethical implications of genetic and ecological interventions, but was soon applied to all aspects of biomedical ethics, including health care delivery, research, and public policy. Its literature draws from disciplines as varied as clinical medicine and nursing, scientific research, theology and philosophy, law, and the social sciences - each with its own distinctive vocabulary and expressions. "A Handbook of Bioethics Terms" is a handy and concise glossary-style reference featuring over 400 entries on the significant terms, expressions, titles, and court cases that are most important to the field. Most entries are cross-referenced, making this handbook a valuable addition to the bookshelves of undergraduate and graduate students in health care ethics, physicians and nurses, members of institutional ethics committees and review boards, and others interested in bioethics. A sampling of terms from the handbook: AbortionDNR (Do Not Resuscitate); Eugenics Gene therapy Living will Natural law; Primum non nocere Single-payer system; Surrogate consent Schiavo case Sample. It includes definitions such as: Formalism - In ethical theory, a type of deontology in which an action is judged to be right if it is in accord with a moral rule, and wrong if it violates a moral rule; and, Xenograft: Organ or tissue transplanted from one individual to another individual of another species. (See Transplantation, organ and tissue).

Promoting legal and ethical awareness
ISBN: 0323070612 0323036686 9780323070614 9780323036689 Year: 2009 Publisher: St. Louis, Mo. Mosby Elsevier

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Combining the best of author Ron Scott's books, Promoting Legal Awareness in Physical and Occupational Therapy and Professional Ethics: A Guide for Rehabilitation Professionals, his newest text Promoting Legal and Ethical Awareness: A Primer for Health Professionals and Patients includes the latest case, regulatory, and statutory law. This valuable ethical and legal resource also includes an alphabetized section on HIPAA, current information on the reauthorized IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act), and expanded coverage of alternative dispute resolution and attorney-health professional-cli

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